We’re a global team of creative, committed humanitarians on a mission.
We believe everyone everywhere should have the health care they need to thrive. That’s why we work every day to improve the performance of health workers around the world and strengthen the systems in which they work.
We’ve worked in over 100 countries since 1979. And we’re partnering with new ones every year. Our programs build lasting relationships and strong capabilities wherever we work.
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News, stories, and more from the front lines of global health.
A mobile app developed by IntraHealth International is now helping more frontline health workers in India better care for women and newborns, even in the most remote settings. Thanks to a three-year grant from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, mSakhi will now be available in Uttarakhand, India.
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has ended, according to the World Health Organization. Today IntraHealth International joins the Frontline Health Workers Coalition and others in celebrating this hard-won success.
A study of almost 80,000 health care clients in South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda has found that clients are most likely to agree to HIV testing and counseling when a nurse or lay counselor offers the service before clinical consultation, rather than during or after.
Senior writer Margarite Nathe appears on the Huffington Post again, this time covering 10 defining moments that shaped global health in 2015. Some of these moments include European refugees, the SDGs, and Pope Francis begining to talk about family planning.
When you look back on 2015, what will you remember? A new baby in your family? The death of someone you loved? An exhausting move across the country or even the continent?
The Kijabe College of Health Sciences in Kenya launched a new diploma in clinical medicine and is now training its first cohort of clinical officers. Through the USAID-funded FUNZOKenya project, IntraHealth International collaborated with the college to develop the curriculum and align with core curriculum standards.
As part of Sierra Leone’s Ebola recovery and prevention efforts, IntraHealth is working with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, UNICEF, and other partners to implement mHero, an integrated digital health platform for health worker communication and coordination.
Through a new $13 million award from the US Agency for International Development, IntraHealth International will improve health and nutrition in Tajikistan, particularly for women and children in the Khatlon oblast, an administrative region.
Last week, IntraHealth International applauded along with the rest of the world as the scientists who nearly eradicated river blindness—a parasitic disease transmitted by black flies and the world's second leading infectious cause of blindness—were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
We at IntraHealth International are devastated by the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Raluca Iosif. Raluca was killed in Durham, North Carolina, on October 6, 2015.