
IntraHealth Celebrates 10 Years of Partnership in Ethiopia, Honors Outstanding Health Workers

health workers awards

Last month,
IntraHealth International honored several champions within Ethiopia’s health sector and celebrated 10 years of working in partnership with the government of Ethiopia.

Countries Save Over $100 Million with Open-Source Software and Powerful Data

The free, open-source iHRIS software has now given 16 countries powerful data-management capabilities that, if purchased from for-profit companies, would have cost over $100 million in combined licensing fees. Instead, government agencies in Africa, Latin America, and India now use the affordable iHRIS to store over 675,000 health worker records, allowing officials to track, manage, and plan for their health workforces.

Young Ethiopian Musicians Make Beats with a Message

In this new video produced by the Beat Making Lab in partnership with IntraHealth International and PBS Digital Studios, viewers can see the young aspiring musicians who gathered in June to learn how to make beats—and how to take charge of their own sexual health. The video is the first in a series of six.

A Vital Resource for Global Health News and Perspectives

IntraHealth International is pleased to announce VITAL, its newly redesigned blog dedicated to global health, health care, and the health workers who make it all happen: