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IntraHealth International's work with the Beat Making Lab on promoting maternal health information through music was featured in the Ethiopian Herald.
June 27, 2013, Chapel Hill, NC—IntraHealth International welcomes Todd Wohler, MBA, as the newest member of its board of directors. A human resources executive with over 20 years of experience in the field of international recruiting and personnel management, Wohler brings a deep understanding of the challenges and issues involved in attracting, retaining, developing, and supporting a global workforce.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-2 decision in the case of USAID vs. AOSI that a 2003 law requiring organizations to oppose prostitution by official policy as a condition of funding for HIV programs violates the First Amendment.
More than 100,000 men in the Shinyanga Region of Tanzania are now less likely to contract the HIV virus thanks to the benefits of voluntary medical male circumcision and IntraHealth International’s Tanzania HIV Prevention Project.
Between October 2012 and April 2013, Uganda added 6,889 new workers to its national health workforce, thanks to a provision approved by the Ugandan parliament last September—and IntraHealth International’s Uganda Capacity Program’s efforts to make sure the parliament had the right data at the right time.