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Palestinian Ministry of Health Saves Money, Improves Quality of Care through Its Health Information System

The Palestinian Health Capacity Project (PHCP), led by IntraHealth International with funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), is helping the ministry implement and expand its...

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Zambia Country Brief

An overview of IntraHealth's work in Zambia.

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Certificate in Leadership and Management Practice

This Primary Health Care to Communities (PHC2C) blended learning training enables facility heads to lead frontline teams to deliver integrated, people-centered care and advance toward universal health...

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Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health

The idea for this Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health (HRH) emerged from the need for guidance on and examples of excellent and innovative HRH research, embracing...

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Reasons behind Current Gender Imbalances in Senior Global Health Roles and the Practice and Policy Changes that Can Catalyze Organizational Change

Results from a review of relevant literature and two gender analyses to highlight reasons for gender imbalances in senior roles in global health and ways to address them.

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How the Introduction of a Human Resources Information System Helped the Democratic Republic of Congo to Mobilise Domestic Resources for an Improved Health Workforce

This Health Policy and Planning article describes how the Democratic Republic of the Congo used data from iHRIS, a human resource information system developed by IntraHealth International, to conduct...

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Building Capacity in Leadership and Management for Nurses Managing Rural Health Centers in Zambia

This report presents the experience of delivering a new training approach to address Zambia’s need for greater leadership and management capacity at primary health care facilities in rural, low-resourced areas.

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Medical Education in Decentralized Settings: How Medical Students Contribute to Health Care in 10 Sub-Saharan African Countries

African medical schools are expanding, straining resources at tertiary health facilities. Decentralizing clinical training can alleviate this tension. This study assessed the impact of decentralized...

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A Mobile Health Revolution in Jhansi

This booklet introduces readers to some of the frontline health workers who are using mSakhi—an open source mobile application designed to help frontline health workers deliver high-quality services...

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