
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Much to Celebrate on World Contraception Day 2015

Contraception has already changed the world for us all. Where will it take us as the next 15 years unfold?

Let's Not Be Squeamish About Family Planning's Fiscal Benefits

Contraception makes health sense and financial sense. Now is the time to make sure countries are ready to take advantage of it.

In Madagascar, Health Workers Can Help Survivors of Violence Break the Silence

In Madagascar, 30% of women have experienced violence in the last year.

Social Service Workforce Week Celebrates Community-Level Workers

Community health workers can have a tremendous impact on health and wellbeing, particularly for the most vulnerable among us.

In Tanzania, Medical Circumcision Services Rely on a Predominantly Female Nursing Workforce

One woman talks about the ups and downs of providing this HIV risk-reducing service.

New Registry Reveals eHealth Happenings in Senegal’s Own Back Yard

As Senegal finalizes its national eHealth strategy, a catalog of initiatives sets the field for greater coordination.

Amidst Ebola Crisis, Coordination and Long-Term Thinking Pay Off

mHero started as a way to combat Ebola, but Liberia plans to use it for the long run.

Young People Need HIV Care and Services, Too

When it comes to HIV care, adolescents are often left behind. But a team at Shanamutango Clinic is working to change that for Namibia's young people.

Respectful Maternity Care is Everyone’s Responsibility

How can we protect women from abuse during in maternity care? Health sectors can start by doing these seven things.

Where Are the DRC’s Doctors and Nurses? iHRIS Data Give Us Hints

Each year, the country produces 2,000 new doctors and 7,000 new nurses. Yet there's often a shortage.