
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Letter to the Editor: Maurice Middleberg Defends Contraception as Preventive Medicine

Charles Krauthammer questioned the classification of contraception as preventive medicine, stating that “categorizing pregnancy as a disease equivalent is a value decision disguised as science.”

Investing in US-Trained Health Workers: Kate Tulenko Responds to 'America Is Stealing the World's Doctors'

The most important solution is for the US to train more of its own health workers.

Working Differently: An Invitation from Pape Gaye to SwitchPoint

It is fundamental that international NGOs and development practitioners start to work differently, and that is what SwitchPoint is all about.

What USAID’s New Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy Means for Connecting Girls and Inspiring Futures in Health

Leading up to this year’s International Women’s Day, the U.S. Agency for International Development introduced a new policy to help women and girls participate fully in and benefit from development.

Bringing Health Workforce Information to the Public in Uganda

To bring the benefits of access to health worker information to the Ugandan public, the Ministry of Health, working closely with IntraHealth, organized a launch event earlier this month for the national human resources for health information system (HRHIS) in Uganda.

Medicine as a Weapon in Syria and Beyond

A recent editorial in The Lancet issued a dire warning to the international medical community: medicine is a weapon of war in Syria. It is just the latest in a series of reportsfrom across the Middle East on how medical care and medical professionals and facilities are being used to inflict politically-motivated violence.

How Can We Do Better by American Patients and Health Workers?

For the US to really meet patients’ needs and continue to offer high-quality care, many things have to change. One of these is education.

How HIV Changed Her Career: An Interview with Nilda Peragallo

When IntraHealth’s newest board member visited our Chapel Hill office this month, we sat down to talk about her career and research.

Meet Aimable: Living with HIV, Cultivating Hope

This year Aimable will learn his HIV-positive status at a session that will include his grandmother other HIV-positive children and their guardians.