
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Getting to Zero, but Starting from What in South Sudan?

Earlier in the month, we celebrated World AIDS Day with messages such as “getting to zero,” and ‘the end of AIDS.’ In a fledgling country like South Sudan, figuring out how to get to zero means knowing what you are starting with.

16 Years and 16 Days of Activism against Violence

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released findings from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. The numbers are sobering

Political Support and Popular Opinion on the Largest-Ever Family Planning Conference: Part II

Changing opinions and behaviors around family planning in Senegal may happen slowly.

Political Support and Popular Opinion on the Largest-Ever Family Planning Conference: Part I

Wrapping up earlier this month, the International Conference on Family Planning brought together more than 2,000 participants for three days of science and advocacy on family planning.

A New Social Work Cadre to Offer Services to Tanzania’s Most Vulnerable Children

I wanted to share some thoughts on an inspiring initiative undertaken by the Tanzanian government to create a new social worker cadre to care for and support the country’s most neglected and vulnerable children.

Celebrating World AIDS Day: Getting to Zero

This is a day to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and reflect on where we have made achievements in battling the epidemic and where we need to do better.

Family Planning and Access to Health Workers

Amid the worldwide health worker shortage, some low-income countries are managing to show impressive levels of modern contraceptive use. How does access to skilled health workers affect family planning use, and what are some countries doing differently?

Family Planning: Be an Example

From politicians to community and international leaders, we should all be more engaged in helping couples make informed choices about family size.

Talk Early and Talk Often

Many people consider “family planning” an adult topic. While it is a topic that affects adults, it should not be an adults-only topic.

Family Planning in West Africa: Courage and Conviction Can Make the Difference

As someone who has worked in this field for over 25 years, it is with mixed emotions that I prepare for the International Family Planning Conference in Dakar later this month.