
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Collaboration Is Essential to Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Indonesia

It'll take a nation to change the numbers for Indonesia's moms and babies.

The Promise of Digital Health in the Fight against Noncommunicable Diseases

Could activity trackers help stem the global tide of hypertension?

Young and HIV-Positive? We See You

For kids who live with the virus, an empathetic health worker can be a link to a lifetime of successful treatment.

Twelve Years Later, HIV in Namibia Looks Very Different

There's been enormous progress here, but adolescent girls and young women still face particular risk.

How Do Attacks on Health Care Affect Women?

When hospitals or clinics are attacked, women often become targets. But what do we know about the real impact on their health and well-being?

Contraceptive Implants Are Driving Big Gains in Access to Family Planning

What have we achieved on the road to making universal access to family planning a reality? And what's next?

11 Billion, Ready or Not: We Need To Put Family Planning on the Fast Track

By 2100, the world’s population will rise to 11 billion. But that doesn’t mean family planning investments aren’t working.