
News & commentary about the global health workforce

We Need to Ramp Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Services to Reach an AIDS-Free Generation

We should prioritize the scale-up of VMMC interventions. It's cost-effective and saves lives.

Global Health Is a Cause We Can All Get Behind

None of us can afford to ignore the plights of other countries.

First-Mile Family Planning Can Help More Women Avoid Unintended Pregnancies

Community-based services should be designed from the point of view of the communities they serve.

3 Knowledge Management Practices to Strengthen Your Digital Health Project

How to learn from projects past—and avoid their mistakes.

Invest in Health Systems by Investing in Health Workers

A new report provides the first quantitative estimates of the value of stronger health systems—and the lives they can save. 

To End HIV Stigma, We Must Fight a Long History

Health workers can play a key role in ending discrimination against people who live with HIV.