
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Ready for the WhatsApp Revolution in Health Care Communications?

Twenty percent of the world's population is using it already. Time for us to catch up.

How Senegal Rapidly Introduced Sayana Press into Its Family Planning Method Mix

Commitment and collaboration pave the way for a new contraceptive.

In Central America, New Adherence Promoters Keep HIV Clients on Treatment

Carlos considered dropping out of everything. Then he met Aracely, an adherence promoter.

We Can Fix the Nursing Shortage in NC—and around the World

By 2024, there could be over a million vacancies for registered nurses. But we can still avoid it.

mSakhi in Pictures

The mobile app is transforming maternal and child health care in a Himalayan state.

SwitchPoint Is about Health, Technology, Partnerships—and Love

We love it for the inspiration we feel there, the connections we make, the performances that move us. 

This Teacher and Survivor is on a Mission to End Gender-Based Violence

Sylvia is helping young people protect themselves from violence, access health services, and stay in school.