Building on the successes of its extensive work in Rwanda, IntraHealth used an 18-month, $250,000 grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to improve reproductive health services among Rwandan adolescents through work with schools, health centers, and communities. This initiative developed and tested a model of gender-appropriate youth-friendly services and built support for such services among health, education, and civil society professionals and officials. IntraHealth partnered with the Imbuto Foundation, a local organization created in 2007 by the First Lady of Rwanda to advocate for and implement initiatives on health, education, and economic empowerment.
Selected initiatives
Paired six health centers with six schools in two districts to offer gender-appropriate, youth-friendly reproductive health services
Improved adolescents’ knowledge of availability and location of reproductive health services and demonstrate increased use of reproductive health services in two districts
Documented and disseminated lessons learned about this initiative’s effectiveness.