
Digital Health's Missing Link: Knowledge Management (Webinar 2: Tools Used in Digital Health Project Implementation)

This two-part webinar series will feature experts working in digital health who use knowledge management practices to enhance digital health implementations. They will share their experiences, tips for adding strong KM to digital health programs, and share insights for the future. 

Webinar 2:  Tools Used in Digital Health Project Implementation (How to Know What Information Your Team Has)

Digital Health projects are often run as technology projects, where teams work closely with customers to build, test, and iterate solutions very quickly. The rapid rate at which these projects work make it difficult to create lengthy processes and procedures, which makes trapping, using, and sharing  information within the team difficult. Uneven knowledge sharing could ultimately affect the team’s efficiency and the sustainability of the project. These speakers will provide examples of simple methods they’ve used in digital health projects to make certain information is gathered, organized, and shared

Information on Webinar 1 is available here.