This year's symposium will focus on passing the baton in global health and what it will mean to #DemocratizeGlobalHealth. To achieve health for all people, national health programs must be driven by country strategies, local leadership, and domestic resources rather than external donors or partners.
IntraHealth International is a Supporter Sponsor of this year's event.
9:00 am Welcome 9:15 am Opening Dialogue: What does self-reliance look like? 10:00 am Frontline Voices: What does it mean to #DemocratizeGlobalHealth? 11:15 am Country Ownership: What's worked and what hasn't? 12:15 pm Lunch 1:30 pm Breakout Sessions: Actionable ideas and aspirations for the future
U.S. Global Health 3.0: Exploring Policy Proposals to Support Country Transition
The Big Lift: Tackling Program Challenges to Country Ownership
Speaking Their Language: Building the Communications Narrative for Country Ownership 3:30 pm Report Back 4:00 pm Closing Keynote 4:30 pm Networking Reception