PEPFAR's 2022 Community of Practice Guidance supports the development of a health workforce that “advances women, non-binary, and gender minorities’ leadership opportunities and fosters safe work environments with fair remuneration and non-discrimination.”
It states that, “Community health workers and peer workers should receive compensation aligned with partner-government policies. In instances where country policies do not specify payment, PEPFAR country programs should proactively engage, along with other donors, to promote country policy reforms.”
This webinar, hosted by the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, will point out what to look for in COP dialogues and planning documents related to this goal. We will discuss what issues demand attention from PEPFAR and how to bring them to the table. We explore health workforce challenges and how to address them to improve quality of HIV services and long-term sustainability.
Our Participation
Esther Tumbare
Sr. Global Technical Director, Intrahealth International