
Job Aids On Reproductive Health in Mali Now Available on CD-ROM and Online

The USAID-supported Assistance Technique Nationale Plus (ATN Plus) project in Mali recently launched a database of health materials including job aids for matrones, or assistant midwives, to guide their work in family planning, reproductive health, and nutrition.  The ATN Plus project , a five-year initiative that supports the Ministry of Health to develop health policy, improve health care services, and implement behavior change communication activities,  is led by Abt Associates in partnership with a number of organizations including IntraHealth, which offers technical guidance on the project’s reproductive health and family planning work.

The database, now available on CD-ROM and online, compiles materials on health education and behavior change as well as job aids produced by the earlier ATN Project between 2006 and 2008.  All materials are accessible from the website of the Ministry of Health, making them widely available providers and decision-makers in Mali.

Learn more about IntraHealth’s work with matrones in Mali.