
Pape Gaye discusses Family Planning's Fiscal Benefits in recent Huffington Post article

Pape Gaye, CEO and President of IntraHealth International, discusses family planning's fiscal benefits in his Huffington Post blog post, titled "Let’s Not Be Squeamish About Family Planning’s Fiscal Benefits." 



So often when we sing the praises of family planning, we go straight to applauding its health benefits: all the healthier babies and children, the hundreds of thousands of women who survive childbirth, and the millions of abortions prevented.

Family planning has changed the world for us all over the past few decades. But better health isn’t the only advantage. There’s another, though we in the global health field have often been hesitant about lauding it too loudly.

I’m talking about the relationship between family planning to prosperity.

Read the full article, Let’s Not Be Squeamish About Family Planning’s Fiscal Benefits, on the Huffington Post.