

To improve access to quality prevention, care, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), IntraHealth is leading the “Strengthening NCD Services in Togo’s Health Facilities” project, known as Care4CVD. Funded by Sanofi, Care4CVD focuses on addressing Togo’s significant burden of hypertension (30%) and diabetes (5%), as highlighted by the 2021 WHO STEPS survey. Working in the cities of Lomé and Sokodé, the initiative aims to:

  • Strengthen health workforce capacity. Train at least 500 health care professionals (doctors and nurses) on the management of hypertension and diabetes and equip them with data-driven decision-making skills.
  • Empower community health workers. Build the capacity of at least 150 community health workers to identify and manage cardiovascular risk factors in their communities.
  • Expand early detection and diagnosis. Reach at least 5,000 community members with prevention messages, decentralize screening services, and facilitate timely referrals to health facilities.
    Care4CVD will employ a co-creation approach, working closely with the Togolese Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to develop sustainable and replicable solutions. The project builds on the success of IntraHealth’s CARDIO4Dakar initiative, which demonstrated effective approaches to preventing and treating noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in West Africa.