
Strengthening System Capacity & Data Collection with a Focus on Strategic Information in South Sudan

Health worker in South Sudan

This project, launched in 2012, works with South Sudan’s Ministry of Health and the South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics to build strong HIV strategic information and health workforce systems within the country. Through surveillance activities, monitoring and evaluating existing programs, developing human resources, and providing technical assistance and training to the South Sudan Ministry of Health and others, IntraHealth will help lay the foundation for future public health activities in South Sudan and improve current interventions.

Selected initiatives

  • Design and execute a national HIV case-reporting system and pilot it in four states. Monitoring the HIV/AIDS epidemic through surveillance will inform the response of the CDC, the ministry of health, and others who work to resolve South Sudan’s HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Make more strategic information on HIV in the country available by conducting surveillance and evaluation surveys and preparing high quality technical publications and epidemiological profiles.
  • Prepare the Government of South Sudan to regularly generate, collect, manage, and analyze high-quality data about HIV and other health issues. The data will inform the government’s policies and decisions about how to best manage South Sudan’s resources and programs in the country’s national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.