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Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers

The Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit is designed to help countries determine what would motivate health workers to accept and remain in rural posts.

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Informed Push Distribution of Contraceptives in Senegal Reduces Stockouts and Improves Quality of Family Planning Services

Authors: Daff BM, Seck C, Belkhayat H, and Sutton P

Description: Dedicated logisticians restocked contraceptives monthly at facilities to maintain defined minimum stock levels, freeing up clinic...

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Rapid Assessment of Health Services Capacity in the West Bank

This report presents an initial analysis of information collected to support the reform of the referral processes in West Bank/Gaza. 

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Health Workforce Productivity: An Approach for Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement

Author: Deussom R and Jaskiewicz W

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: Global Health eLearning Center

Date: 2014

Description: This course explores some basic concepts of health workforce productivity...

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Voices from the Mali Fistula Care Project

This booklet highlights key results from the Mali Fistula Care Project (2008-2013), during which IntraHealth worked with EngenderHealth to reduce the number of women waiting for life-altering fistula...

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IntraHealth International 2012 Annual Report

In 2012, IntraHealth trained 7,378 health workers to care for mothers, newborns, and children, and helped provide 54,953 antenatal care consultations to mothers around the world.

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Applying the workload indicators of staffing need (WISN) method in Namibia: challenges and implications for human resources for health policy

As part of ongoing efforts to restructure the health sector and improve health care quality, the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in Namibia sought to update staffing norms for health...

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Private-Sector Participation in Preservice Health Education

Author: Ross H, Seifman R, Bailey R, and Gilroy K

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2013

Description: Private health professional schools are expanding rapidly. With health training needs increasing and...

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Optimizing Performance and Quality

Author: IntraHealth Technical Leadership Department

Date: 2013

Description: This IntraHealth technical brief describes Optimizing Performance and Quality, an update of the performance improvement...

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Exploring Contraceptive Use Differentials in Sub-Saharan Africa through a Health Workforce Lens

Author: Pacqué-Margolis S, Cox C, Puckett A, and Schaefer L (USAID)

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #11

Date: 2013

Description: This technical brief presents findings from a study...

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