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Workplace Violence and Gender Discrimination in Rwanda’s Health Workforce: Increasing Safety and Gender Equality

This Human Resources for Health article reexamines a set of study findings that directly relate to the influence of gender on workplace violence, synthesizes these findings with other research from Rwanda, and examines the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda’s policy environment.

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IntraHealth International 2009 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2009.

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How to Educate Clients about the Benefits of Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy

This DVD is intended for training primary level providers and community health workers to identify opportunities to counsel clients on healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy and the benefits of family planning use. 

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Improving Health through Postpartum Home Visits, Family Planning Counseling: Scaling-Up Best Practices in Egypt

Author: Bitar S

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Series: Best Practice Brief #3

Date: 2010

Description: This paper shows how ESD helped Save the Children/Egypt improve maternal and...

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Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia: Synthesis and Measures of Success

This paper discusses the background of HRH shortages in the listed countries, as well as plans for steps to resolve the issue.

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"Safe Age of Marriage" in Yemen: Fostering Change in Social Norms

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

This paper describes how ESD, with the Basic Health Services Project in Yemen and the Yemeni Women Union, implemented the “Safe Age of Marriage” program...

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Skilled Birth Attendance By Auxilliary Nurse Midwives in Select Districts of Jharkhand—Key Baseline Survey Findings

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Baseline Survey Brief #1

Date: 2010

Description: This baseline survey conducted in July 2010 identifies gaps in knowledge and practices that prevent the auxiliary...

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Reaching Underserved Youth with Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services: An ESD Approach

Author: Lane C

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Date: 2010

Description: This paper takes a look at how ESD changed community norms in support of healthy adloscent behaviors, specifically...

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Nepal: Reaching the Urban Poor with Family Planning/HTSP Messages

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Date: 2010

Description: This case study documents how the Nepali Technical Assistance Group (NTAG), with support from ESD, applied a multifaceted...

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