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Scaling-Up a Statewide Health Workforce Information System to Improve Maternal and Child Health Services in Jharkhand, India

IntraHealth worked with the government of Jharkhand, India, to pilot and scale-up statewide a web-based human resources information system.

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Determinants of Women’s Satisfaction During Their Delivery in the Health Structures of Pikine in Dakar: a Transversal Study

This article presents the results of a study aimed at assessing the satisfaction of women during childbirth in the health structures of the department of Pikine in the region of Dakar, Senegal and...

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The Human Resources for Health Effort Index: A Tool to Assess and Inform Strategic Health Workforce Investments

It’s tough to measure progress on an issue as big and complex as the health workforce. The HRH Effort Index helps.

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The Importance of Mental Well-Being for Health Professionals During Complex Emergencies: It Is Time We Take It Seriously

In this commentary published in Global Health: Science and Practice, the authors call on humanitarian aid organizations to integrate proven mental health strategies to protect the mental health of their workforce and improve staff capacity to provide care for vulnerable populations.

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Overview: Strengthening Human Resources for Health in Uganda

An overview of the program's key approaches and goals.

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Executive Summary of the Report on the Ministry of Health Sexual Harassment Formative Assessment in Uganda’s Public Health Sector

This brief summarizes key findings and recommendations of a formative assessment of sexual harassment in Ugandan government health facilities conducted on behalf of the Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH)...
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Understanding and Addressing Contraceptive Stockouts to Increase Family Planning Access and Uptake in Senegal

Senegal’s government has pledged to reduce contraceptive stockouts, which have been frequent in public sector health facilities. An innovative distribution system called the Informed Push Model (IPM)...

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IntraHealth International 2016 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's results, finances, and more.

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