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Technical Briefs: Tanzania's Tohara Plus Program

Our Tohara Plus project—which is funded by the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the US Centers for Disease Control—has provided HIV services in Tanzania since 2016 to help the...

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Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Overview

This brief offers an overview of our approaches and recent work in maternal, newborn, and child health.

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Improving Leadership, Management, and Governance of the Health Workforce in Kenya’s Devolved System

County leadership were ill prepared in human resources for health management capacity, leadership structures, and organizational arrangements when the Government of Kenya devolved health service...

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Optimizing Data Use for Effective Decision-Making in Managing Kenya’s Health Workforce

Read how IntraHealth International is supporting Kenya’s Ministry of Health to use human resources data from the integrated human resources information system (iHRIS) for informed decision making...

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Establishing Human Resources for Health Units to Strengthen Health Workforce Management in Kenya’s Counties

The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 gave county governments the responsibility of managing health service delivery, which formed 50-70 percent of the county workforce after devolution. In the former...

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Promoting County Training Needs Assessments for Effective Human Resources for Health Capacity Development in Kenya

This policy brief shares the benefits, and makes a case for institutionalization of training needs assessment (TNA) as a systematic process of identifying gaps in the performance of health service...

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