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Twubakane Final Report

Project: Twubakane Decentralization and Health Project

Date: 2010

Description: Reviews the work of the Twubakane Decentralization and Health Project in Rwanda. Topics covered include: Family...

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Private Midwives Serve the Hard-to-Reach: A Promising Practice Model

Author: Kesselman J

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Date: 2010

Description: This paper shows how ESD has supported the Basic Health Services Project in Yemen to assist midwives with...

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Healthy Images of Manhood: A Male Engagement Approach for Workplaces and Community Programs Integrating Gender, Family Planning and HIV/AIDS

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Description: Healthy Images of Manhood (HIM) was launched in January 2008 in partnership with Unilever Tea Tanzania Ltd. at the company’s estates in south...

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From Fever to Anti-malarial: The Treatment-seeking Process in Rural Senegal

Author: Smith LA (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Bruce J (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Gueye L (IntraHealth International), Helou A (Pfizer Canada Inc.), Diallo...

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Job Aids for Diagnosing Obstetric Fistula

Project: Fistula Care

Date: 2010

Description: These job aids provide step by step instruction on diagnosing obstetric fistula.

Click to view poster [PDF 845KB] - English

Click to view handout [PD...

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IntraHealth International 2008 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2008.

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Enhancing Postabortion Care (PAC) Counseling Skills: An Interactive Learning Tool

The interactive simulations in this DVD package aim to enhance or refresh the counseling skills of experienced PAC providers. To order, please contact Nola Bower-Smith.


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Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Report on a Study of Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho

This study aims to establish the extent to which men can be attracted into caregiving jobs traditionally considered the province of women and what it will take to increase the numbers of male HIV...

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