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Multi-sectoral Approach to Improving Nutrition Security

Multi Sectoral Approach


Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: The Vistaar Project sought to contribute to improved nutrition security in India at several levels; through national level...

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Cost Analysis of the Positive Deviance Approach to Reducing Child Malnutrition in West Bengal

Author: Sodani PR, Wang H, Juyal RK, Price A, and Fischer E

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: This technical report outlines the resources required to...

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KMTC Kitui Centre of Excellence in Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Author: Kimeu A, Mwende J, Kapsoot D, Shamblin L, and Rothenbuecher AC

Project: Capacity Kenya

Series: Technical Brief #3

Date: 2012

Description: This technical brief explains Capacity Kenya's...

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"I'm a Health Worker"

This ongoing video series features interviews with health workers in low-resource countries and shows how the IntraHealth-led CapacityPlus project is helping them save even more lives.

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Improving the Coverage and Quality of Village Health and Nutrition Days

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: Measurable improvements have been made in the number of ANC, child health and nutrition services provided during village...

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Delaying Age of Marriage and Reducing Anaemia Among Adolescent Girls in Jharkhand

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: This technical brief examines interventions that have contributed to increased knowledge and changed perceptions of...

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IntraHealth International 2010 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2010.

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Population Growth and the Global Health Workforce Crisis

Author: Pacqué-Margolis S, Muntifering C, Ng C, and Noronha S

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Series: Technical brief #1

Date: 2011

Description: This technical brief...

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Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups


Author: Gormley WJ and McCaffery J

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2011

Description: These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that human resources for health...

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Workplace Violence and Gender Discrimination in Rwanda’s Health Workforce: Increasing Safety and Gender Equality

This Human Resources for Health article reexamines a set of study findings that directly relate to the influence of gender on workplace violence, synthesizes these findings with other research from Rwanda, and examines the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda’s policy environment.

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