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Tutorat: Building a Culture of Quality in Senegal’s Primary Health Care Facilities

This technical brief covers our Tutorat mentoring approach to improve quality of care in Senegal.

This brief is part of a larger publication about IntraHealth’s innovative approaches to global health...

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Getting Contraceptives to Women Who Need Them: Senegal's Informed Push Model

This technical brief covers our Informed Push Model, utilized in Senegal to ensure women have reliable access to modern contraceptive methods.

This brief is part of a larger publication about...

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The Future of Global Health Starts Here: 7 Creative Approaches to Health Workforce Challenges

How do we come up with creative solutions to health workforce challenges? As these seven approaches designed by IntraHealth International show, there is no set formula. They range from developing and...

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Measuring What Matters: Case Studies on Data Innovations for Strengthening Primary Health Care

This report was authored by Allyson English, Chloe Lanzara, Arunima Awale, and Laurel Hatt of Results for Development (R4D), a partner on the Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI). It...

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Association of Men’s Exposure to Family Planning Programming and Reported Discussion with Partner and Family Planning Use: The Case of Urban Senegal

Family planning programs increasingly aim to encourage men to be involved in women’s reproductive health decision-making as well as support men to be active agents of change for their own and the...

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Determinants of Women’s Satisfaction During Their Delivery in the Health Structures of Pikine in Dakar: a Transversal Study

This article presents the results of a study aimed at assessing the satisfaction of women during childbirth in the health structures of the department of Pikine in the region of Dakar, Senegal and...

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Understanding and Addressing Contraceptive Stockouts to Increase Family Planning Access and Uptake in Senegal

Senegal’s government has pledged to reduce contraceptive stockouts, which have been frequent in public sector health facilities. An innovative distribution system called the Informed Push Model (IPM)...

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Use of an Interactive Voice Response System to Deliver Refresher Training in Senegal

CapacityPlus developed, deployed, and assessed an innovative mLearning system that used a combination of interactive voice response and SMS text messaging for family planning providers in Senegal.

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Informed Push Distribution of Contraceptives in Senegal Reduces Stockouts and Improves Quality of Family Planning Services

Authors: Daff BM, Seck C, Belkhayat H, and Sutton P

Description: Dedicated logisticians restocked contraceptives monthly at facilities to maintain defined minimum stock levels, freeing up clinic...

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