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The PEPFAR/USAID-funded Integrated HIV/AIDS Project in Haut Katanga (IHAP-HK), led by PATH and implemented in partnership with IntraHealth International, supports health facilities and communities in...
IntraHealth's CEO Polly Dunford joined 25+ other global health leaders to urge Ambassador Power to prioritize including $200 million to implement the initiative in the FY 24 budget submission to the...
IntraHealth International, in partnership with ideas42, implemented the Scale-Up and Capacity Building in Behavioral Science to Improve the Uptake of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services...
As a member of the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, IntraHealth signed this letter to the US Senate and House of Representatives in support of the inclusion of $200 million in the fiscal year 2023...
Read IntraHealth's statement urging Members States to increase funding and support for health workers and health systems at the 75th World Health Assembly in May 2022.
Learn how Ingobyi prioritizes continuous supportive supervision as a strategic approach to address critical health service gaps.
Read about how prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula is a key focus area of IntraHealth International's Ingobyi project.
Read about how IntraHealth International's Ingobyi project applies the Patient Voice Program-Citizen Voice and Action approach to enhance non-confrontational dialogue, accountability, and citizen...
Read about a key evidence-based intervention employed by IntraHealth International's Ingobyi project. The implementation of social and behavior change messaging engages communities to play an active...