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Mentoring at First Referral Units (FRUS) for Improved Quality of Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care

To test the feasibility of developing a mentoring program at the first referral unit level in Karnataka, India, an intervention was implemented for 12 months in 16 first referral units across eight project districts. 

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Integration of Gender-Transformative Interventions into Health Professional Education Reform for the 21st Century: Implications of an Expert Review

Encouraging health professionals to make gender-transformative reforms and commit to promoting gender equality.

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Strengthening Health Workforce Information in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Implementing iHRIS in Kasai and Kasai Central Provinces

An overview of IntraHealth's work helping the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ministry of Health imlement iHRIS--IntraHealth's free, open source human resource information system software.

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Community Behaviour Tracking Surveys: A Concurrent Monitoring System to Provide Real-Time Measurement of Key Programmatic Indicators

This technical brief describes how the Sukshema project developed and implemented a concurrent monitoring system through a community behavior tracking survey

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On-Site Mentoring for Improved Quality of Delivery and Postpartum Care at 24/7 Primary Health Centres

The story of a maternal, newborn, and child health mentoring program in Northern Karnataka, India. 

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Spotlight: Liberia's Great Strides to Scale the mHero Platform

Author: Nicholson E

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Date: 2016

Description: This brief provides an overview of Liberia's experience implementing and scaling up the mHero platform.

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Spotlight: Stakeholders in Guinea Focus on Health Information Systems in Ebola Recovery Efforts

This mHero Spotlight provides an overview of Guinea's efforts to strengthen its health information systems as part of its Ebola recovery efforts. 


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Estimating the Institutional Costs of Educating and Training Health Workers: Preservice Education Costing Methodology and Instruments

This document can be used by any individual or group that has an interest in estimating the cost of an educational program, including school leaders in public and private educational institutions, representatives from government agencies, donors and financing agencies, among others.

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FUNZOKenya Quarterly Bulletins

The following quarterly newsletters were produced by the FUNZOKenya project.

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Toolkit for Strengthening and Supporting the Health Workforce

CapacityPlus (2009-2015) developed a comprehensive set of tools and approaches and assisted 27 countries in strengthening their health workforce.

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