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Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for Institutional Deliveries in Uttar Pradesh

The Manthan Project provided technical assistance (TA) to the Government of Uttar Pradesh to identify challenges affecting the public-private partnership schemes aimed at increasing poor women's...

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Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Lao People's Democratic Republic

This article published in Human Resources for Health shares the findings from a discrete choice experimence conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses in Lao PDR.

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Innovative Financing Options for the Preservice Education of Health Professionals

Author: Tulenko K and Preker A

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #8

Date: 2013

Description: For low resource countries to train and produce a health workforce sufficient to meet the...

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Human Resource Management

Publisher: HRH Resource Center

Date: 2013

Description: This course covers human resource management in the Kenyan health care context.

Click to view resource [website] - English

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Innovative Financing for Preservice Education of Health Professionals

Author: Ross H, Seifman R, Bailey R, and Gilroy K

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2013

Description: In an environment of limited resources, educational institutions must be creative in finding...

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Global Lessons in Achieving Nutrition Security and Their Application to the Indian Context

This April 2012 report examines various countries that have successfully lowered their malnutrition rates and identifies aspects of the their approaches that may be beneficial in the Indian context.

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Training and Learning Standards

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Date: 2012

Description: A checklist and tool for developing and implementing high-quality training and learning interventions.

Click to view resource [PDF 561KB...

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Keeping Up to Date: Continuing Professional Development for Health Workers in Developing Countries

Author: Giri K, Frankel N, Tulenko K, Puckett A, Bailey R, and Ross H

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #6

Date: 2012

Description: This technical brief summarizes the literature...

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Transforming the Health Worker Pipeline: Interventions to Eliminate Gender Discrimination in Preservice Education

Authors: Ng C, Newman C, Pacqué-Margolis S with contributing authors Belatchew M, Frymus D, and George A

Description: This report describes the results of a systematic and expert review undertaken...

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Community Health Workers

Description: This brief presents an overview of issues related to community health workers and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources.

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