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Occupational Segregation, Gender Essentialism and Male Primacy as Major Barriers to Equity in HIV/AIDS Caregiving: Findings from Lesotho


Author: Newman C,, Fogarty L, Makoae LN, and Reavely E

Publisher: International Journal for Equity in Health

Date: 2011


In 2008 the Capacity Project partnered with the Lesotho...
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IntraHealth International 2009 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2009.

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How to Educate Clients about the Benefits of Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy

This DVD is intended for training primary level providers and community health workers to identify opportunities to counsel clients on healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy and the benefits of family planning use. 

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Maternal and Newborn Health and Nutrition Practices in Select Districts of Uttar Pradesh—Key Baseline Survey Findings

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Baseline Survey Brief #4

Date: 2010

Description: This July 2010 baseline brief documents the knowledge and behavior of currently pregnant women and recently...

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The Coalition for Sustainable Nutrition Security in India

As part of Vistaar's advocacy work in improving maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, the project serves as Secretariat for this coalition and led the development of the website. 

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eLearning Overview.

eLearning Courses

iHRIS User: Level I. HRH Global Resource Center, 2014.

Human Resource Management. HRH Global Resource Center, 2013.

Innovative Financing for Preservice...

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Scaling-Up Best Practices to Meet Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5: A Tailored Approach to Spreading Best Practices

Author: Lane C

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Series: Approach Best Practices Brief

Date: 2010

Description: A technical meeting held in Bangkok motivated public health stakeholders...

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Integrating Family Planning/Reproductive Health in the Private Sector through Health Systems Strengthening in Manufacturing and Agriculture

Author: Wofford D MacDonald S

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Date: 2010

Description: This paper describes ESD's innovative approach to private sector health system strengthening in...

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Age of Marriage and Nutrition of Adolescents in Select Districts of Jharkhand—Key Baseline Survey Findings

This baseline brief from November and December of 2008 explores the attitudes, perspectives, and various characteristics of Indian adolescents and adults in the five districts of Jharkhand.


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Muslim Religious Leaders as Partners in Fostering Positive Reproductive Health and Family Planning Behaviors in Yemen

Author: Freij LS

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Series: Legacy Series

Date: 2010

Description: The paper shows how ESD partnered with the Basic Health Services Project in Yemen to...

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