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COVID-19 Workforce Surge Planning Tools – Rapid and Remote COVID Workforce Assessment: A User Guide

A user guide for predicting COVID-19 health workforce staffing needs.

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COVID-19 Surge and Response: Rapid, Remote Assistance to Model Needs and Mobilize Health Workers

Frontline health workers are the backbone of national responses to COVID-19 yet are often in short supply even in normal times. IntraHealth International offers a rapid and remote approach to enable...

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INSPiRE Integration Model

In the INSPiRE model, post partum family planning (PPFP); maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); and nutrition services are provided as integral parts of the service package. Learn more in this...

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Collaborative Quality Improvement of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services in Tajikistan

This technical brief covers clinical quality improvement interventions in hospitals and primary health centers while a second technical brief documents community-based approaches.

The Feed the Future...

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Community-based Approaches to Improve Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Tajikistan

This technical brief covers community-level activities to improve maternal and child health while a second technical brief covers clinical quality improvement interventions in hospitals and primary...

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Investing in the Power of Nurse Leadership: Kenya Spotlight Brief

The purpose of this brief is to spotlight the views of Kenyan nurses as they relate to the leadership and gender-related issues raised in the 2019 report Investing in the Power of Nurse Leadership...

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Namibia Country Brief

An overview of IntraHealth's work and history in Namibia.

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