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Beyond Boundaries: IntraHealth's Strategy to Align with the SDG Era 2015-2018

IntraHealth’s organizational strategy maximizes the impact and value of our work to reduce mortality and morbidity in the individuals, families, and communities in greatest need around the world.

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Human Resources for Health Country Commitments: Case Studies from the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Mali, and Uganda

The Dominican Republic, Kenya, Mali, and Uganda share their experiences over the last two years in defining, implementing, and measuring the HRH commitments they made at the 2013 Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in Recife, Brazil.

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Advancing Gender Equality in Health Systems

CapacityPlus developed learning tools to address the challenges of gender inequalities and discrimination in the health workforce and health professional education systems.

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IntraHealth International 2014 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2014.

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Overcoming Human Resources for Health Constraints for the Delivery of Quality HIV Services

CapacityPlus project assisted countries to identify and address human resources for health (HRH) challenges to accelerate progress toward national HIV goals and the vision of an AIDS-free generation.

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Gender Discrimination and Health Workforce Development: An Advocacy Tool

Health professional education systems play a pivotal role in developing competent, motivated health workers who are vital to the delivery of high-quality family planning, maternal and child health...

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Use of an Interactive Voice Response System to Deliver Refresher Training in Senegal

CapacityPlus developed, deployed, and assessed an innovative mLearning system that used a combination of interactive voice response and SMS text messaging for family planning providers in Senegal.

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Scaling Up Health Workforce Education and Training: Guide for Applying the Bottlenecks and Best Buys Approach

CapacityPlus’s Bottlenecks and Best Buys Approach is designed to help educational institutions identify obstacles to increasing the production of competent and qualified health workers.

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Spotlight: mHero as a Data Collection Tool for Health Information Systems Strengthening

Author: Puckett BenDor A

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Date: 2015

Description: This brief provides an overview of how an innovative, two-way communication platform called mHero was used in...

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Essential Surgery & the Global Health Workforce

An overview of IntraHealth's approach to strengthening the health workforce needed to increase access to essential surgeries.


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