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Creating an Enabling Environment for Human Resources for Health Program Implementation in Three African Countries

Author: Cox CM, Farrell CM, Ng C, Burlew R, and Pacqué-Margolis S

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2013

Description: Over the past decade, global and national health leaders have increasingly recognized...

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Global Lessons in Achieving Nutrition Security and Their Application to the Indian Context

This April 2012 report examines various countries that have successfully lowered their malnutrition rates and identifies aspects of the their approaches that may be beneficial in the Indian context.

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Holding Health Workers Accountable: Governance Approaches to Reducing Absenteeism

Author: Deussom R, Jaskiewicz W, Dwyer S, and Tulenko K

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #3

Date: 2012

Description: This technical brief outlines different ways governments can...

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Improving Home Visits and Counselling by Anganwadi Workers in Uttar Pradesh

improving home visits


Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: The Vistaar Project achieved many positive results through working in alignment with Government programmes and priorities...

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Faith-Based Organizations

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Issue Brief #4

Date: 2012

Description: This brief presents an overview of the issue of FBOs and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key...

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Strengthening Programme and Performance Budgeting Jharkhand

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: The programme and performance budgeting document provides a framework to help officials review their performance. It relates...

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Designing Evidence-Based Incentives to Attract and Retain Health Workers Using the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit

Author: Jaskiewicz W, Rhodes R, Massie B, Valli H, and Deussom R

Publisher: HRH Resource Center

Date: 2012

Description: Based on the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit, this course will further orient...

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Delaying Age of Marriage and Reducing Anaemia Among Adolescent Girls in Jharkhand

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Endline Brief

Date: 2012


The interventions in this brief have increased awareness and changed attitudes towards early pregnancy and use of...
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Strengthening Human Resources Information Systems—Experiences from Bihar and Jharkhand, India

Project: Vistaar Project

Series: Technical Brief

Date: 2012

Description: This technical brief examines the use of a human resource information system as the foundation for strong workforce planning...

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