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Author: Leitner C, Bales C, Massie B, Rhodes R, and McCune A
Publisher: HRH Resource Center
Date: 2011
Description: This course provides instructions on the basic skill set needed to administer and...
Author: Pacqué-Margolis S, Ng C, and Kauffman S
Project: CapacityPlus
Date: 2011
Description: This compendium provides a list of published indicators on human resources for health (HRH) organized...
Author: Tulenko K, USAID, Jhpeigo, and MChip
Date: 2011
Description: This pre-service education toolkit outlines key programmatic steps, highlights lessons learned, and identifies key resources to...
Author: Newman C,, Fogarty L, Makoae LN, and Reavely E
Publisher: International Journal for Equity in Health
Date: 2011
An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2009.
This DVD is intended for training primary level providers and community health workers to identify opportunities to counsel clients on healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy and the benefits of family planning use.
Project: Vistaar Project
Series: Baseline Survey Brief #4
Date: 2010
Description: This July 2010 baseline brief documents the knowledge and behavior of currently pregnant women and recently...
As part of Vistaar's advocacy work in improving maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, the project serves as Secretariat for this coalition and led the development of the website.
iHRIS User: Level I. HRH Global Resource Center, 2014.
Human Resource Management. HRH Global Resource Center, 2013.
Author: Lane C
Project: Extending Service Delivery Project
Series: Approach Best Practices Brief
Date: 2010
Description: A technical meeting held in Bangkok motivated public health stakeholders...