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The Kenya Emergency Hiring Plan: Results from a Rapid Workforce Expansion Strategy

Author: Fogarty L and Adano U

Project: Capacity Project

Series: Legacy series #1

Date: 2009

Description: Discusses the planning and implementation of the Emergency Hiring Plan, and reflections for...

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Good Governance and Health—Assessing Progress in Rwanda

Author: Brinkerhoff DW, Fort C, and Stratton S

Project: Twubakane

Date: 2009

Description: This study investigates how Twubakane’s efforts to support the decentralization of Rwanda’s health system...

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Addressing Gender Inequality in Human Resources for Health

Reviews how the Project addressed gender discrimination and inequality in HRH through its institutional mechanisms, approaches and tools as well as in country-level implementation.


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Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Report on a Study of Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho

This study aims to establish the extent to which men can be attracted into caregiving jobs traditionally considered the province of women and what it will take to increase the numbers of male HIV...

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Guidelines for Integration of Fertility Awareness Methods into Educational Programs for Health Professionals

This document presents guidelines to assist in integration of Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) into established educational programs for health professionals.

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Strengthening Professional Associations for Health Workers

Author: Yinger N and McQuide PA

Project: Capacity Project

Series: Legacy Series #7

Date: 2009

Description: Describes the Project's models for strengthening professional associations.

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Strengthening the Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Human Resources for Health Initiatives

Author: Hafner C

Project: Capacity Project

Series: Legacy series #8

Date: 2009

Description: Describes the Project’s contributions to strengthening Christian Health Associations’ HR systems, and...

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Implementation of Performance Support Approaches in Central America and Uganda

Author: Benavides BM

Project: Capacity Project

Date: 2009

Description: This paper describes the Capacity Project’s work with governments and partners in Central America and Uganda to test...

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Planning, Developing and Supporting the Health Workforce: Results and Lessons Learned from the Capacity Project, 2004-2009

The Capacity Project’s final report summarizes results and lessons learned from this five-year global project on human resources for health.


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Promising Practices to Build Human Resources Capacity in HIV Strategic Information

Author: Jaskiewicz W, Fitzgerald L, Fogarty L, Huber A, Peersman G, Schalk-Zaitsev S, Sethi R, Tholandi M, and Yank S

Project: Capacity Project

Date: 2009

Description: The promising practices in...

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