
News & commentary about the global health workforce

The Kindest Cut: Global Need to Increase Vasectomy Availability

The unavailability of vasectomy services in low-income countries is a program issue and a gender issue. Here's how we can address it.

What Works and What's Missing in the New Global Goals

The new SDGs cover just about everything. But a few key elements are missing. What will it take to fill in the gaps?

It’s Not Complicated: Contraceptives Save Lives and Improve Health

Use of contraceptives reduces maternal mortality by nearly a third. So let’s make it an option for everyone.

Let's Not Be Squeamish About Family Planning's Fiscal Benefits

Contraception makes health sense and financial sense. Now is the time to make sure countries are ready to take advantage of it.

In Madagascar, Health Workers Can Help Survivors of Violence Break the Silence

In Madagascar, 30% of women have experienced violence in the last year.

With Gender Equity Comes Vasectomy, and Vice Versa

Vasectomy is safe, effective, and leads to greater gender equity. So why hasn’t it caught on in many low-income countries?

Help Wanted: Biomedical Equipment Technicians Needed to Save Lives

The technicians who maintain and fix medical equipment are often overlooked. But they're a vital part of the health system.

Future Planning: Young People Making Choices

As we celebrate International Youth Day, we’re talking with young people about planning their futures.