
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Three Steps NGO Leaders Can Take toward a Future of Inclusive, Locally Led Development

Lessons in localization with global health CEOs Maqsoda Maqsodi and Pape Gaye.

A Special Delivery for Women in Mali

New hospital equipment and supplies will help health workers give comfort and care to women in need.

To Do: Join Forces, Save Lives

Change is in the air. And it feels good.

Rural Uganda Gets a Health Worker Boost

Buhweju district increased staffing levels from 46% in 2015 to 60.4% in 2017.

Family Planning Information for All: Addressing Myths and Misconceptions about Family Planning

Join HIFA's thematic discussion on family planning and contraception information needs.

Invest in Health Systems by Investing in Health Workers

A new report provides the first quantitative estimates of the value of stronger health systems—and the lives they can save.