
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Small Sums, Incredible Impacts: Microdonation Challenge to Support Health Worker Education in Malawi

Compared to some health interventions such as buying a bednet, educating a new health worker requires a relatively large sum of money, but it is an investment with wide-reaching and enduring impact.

Local Context Matters to Women’s Lives: A Report from Delhi

To the business world, it’s location, location, location.

Delhi-Bound with the Future of Maternal Health on My Mind

Motherhood can be a wonderful rite of passage that brings so much joy—seeing a baby’s first smile and then step, watching a child grow up.

From Polio to PEPFAR and Beyond: Can the GHI Reform the Way We Do Global Health?

For many in the blogopshere and the Twitter world Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech on Monday reenergized our commitment to the Global Health Initiative (GHI) and the promise of transforming the way we practice global health work. Like many, I was left with questions of how exactly this initiative will work, but Clinton’s passing reference to the polio outbreak in northern Nigeria also reminded me of the imperative that GHI succeed.

Top Ten Ways to Encourage Breastfeeding

Last week the world celebrated World Breastfeeding Week with a focus on the ten steps every health facility should take to promote successful breastfeeding.

Treatment 2.0: Aspirations for Invigorating the Global HIV/AIDS Response

Two weeks ago, the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) released Treatment 2.0, the latest global strategy for making HIV treatment more efficient, accessible, and effective.

The Mixed Messages of AIDS 2010

If the world economic outlook were brighter, AIDS 2010 might be viewed as a turning point in the global HIV response. The conference, which wrapped up last Friday, was the stage for the announcement...

Bottlenecks: Addressing the AIDS Epidemic Through Increasing Human Resources for Health

In a world where over 33 million people are living with AIDS it is imperative to address the human resources for health (HRH) crisis.

Rights Here, Right Now: HIV/AIDS Progress is Just as Real as the Funding Cuts

Global progress on HIV/AIDS is real: 5.2 million people are receiving antiretroviral therapy in middle-income and resource-poor countries, which is remarkable if you look at where we were five or ten years ago.

World Health Organization Releases New Policy on Retaining Health Workers

Earlier this month, the World Health Organization released “Increasing access to health workers in remote and rural areas through improved retention.”