Stronger Health Systems Could End Abuse during Childbirth
New report: Women around the world are abused while giving birth.
New report: Women around the world are abused while giving birth.
Health workers don't arrive at work as blank slates. They bring their own multidimensional personalities, beliefs, and biases.
Nurses in these rural Indian facilities are more confident now, and it shows.
Health workers who provide family planning services can make a big difference in their clients' lives.
A simple job description can do wonders for a health worker's morale and even the quality of care she provides. So why are job descriptions so hard to come by in some countries?
Over 6,000 Kenyans count on her for care. She’s a nurse, pharmacist, records officer, and more—all day, every day.
What happens to a struggling newborn if her caregivers aren't well trained? The first minute of life is crucial. By Dr. Vanessa Kerry.
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