
News & commentary about the global health workforce

16 Ways Health Workers Can Help Stop Gender-Based Violence

Violence against women is a public health and human rights emergency. Health workers can make a difference.

Social Service Workers Can Help End Violence against Women

One in three women have experienced physical or sexual violence at some point. Now's the time to change that.

The Kindest Cut: Global Need to Increase Vasectomy Availability

The unavailability of vasectomy services in low-income countries is a program issue and a gender issue. Here's how we can address it.

In Madagascar, Health Workers Can Help Survivors of Violence Break the Silence

In Madagascar, 30% of women have experienced violence in the last year.

In Tanzania, Medical Circumcision Services Rely on a Predominantly Female Nursing Workforce

One woman talks about the ups and downs of providing this HIV risk-reducing service.

With Gender Equity Comes Vasectomy, and Vice Versa

Vasectomy is safe, effective, and leads to greater gender equity. So why hasn’t it caught on in many low-income countries?