
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Advocates of Universal Health Coverage Push for Clear Milestones, Accountability

After this week's high-level meeting at the UN General Assembly, we’re left asking one big question.

IntraHealth at 40: The Future of Global Health Starts Here

These 3 big lessons are helping us shape the future of health care around the world.

Supporting a Human-Centered Home Health System in Jordan

Expanding home health care is a promising solution for Jordan’s growing health care demands.

In Senegal, the Health and Education Sectors Are Teaming Up for Teens

As a result, more young people are getting the health information they need—whether they go to school or not.

Global Nutrition Is the Cornerstone of Global Health

We know how and when to address malnutrition. We just need the political will to make it happen.

These Nurses Are Shining a Light on the Gender Barriers They Face at Work

The obstacles that keep many nurses out of leadership roles are systemic, structural, and age-old.

What Does It Take to Strengthen Health Systems in a Fragile State?

Salwa Bitar answers 6 questions about improving health care on the ground in West Bank.

Investing in the Power of Nurses

This new report reflects the voices of nurses—it’s time for the rest of the world to listen.