Health Systems Need More Health Workers, Better Management
When it comes to global health, human resources management can mean life or death.
When it comes to global health, human resources management can mean life or death.
But its countries could still achieve universal health coverage if they take action now.
The health sector will likely become the largest source of job creation worldwide for the next decade.
Women who work in the so-called informal care economy are at particular risk.
After learning that beauty giant Avon had started in rural America, Chuck Slaughter set out to take health care door-to-door in Uganda.
Never before has this question been more salient, given the rise of emerging pandemic threats and growing worldwide instability.
It can be difficult for governments to reach key public health goals alone. In Senegal, the role of private companies is growing.
Diseases aren’t the only major threats to global health today.
Meet 12 people from across the globe who are working to improve health and well-being, despite a daunting shortage of workers—and huge challenges ahead.
Open source technologies have turned traditional tech transfer on its head. Now Tanzania is reaping the benefits.
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