Wycliffe Omanya

Former knowledge management and communications manager, IntraHealth International

Wycliffe Omanya was knowledge management and communications manager for the IntraHealth International-led Capacity Kenya project


Who Keeps Health Services Running in Kokwanyo Village?

Clients come to Kokwanyo Dispensary for HIV treatment, family planning, maternal care, and more. And they all see Nurse Richard.

Meet Lenah, the Only Health Worker in Kyaango Village

Over 6,000 Kenyans count on her for care. She’s a nurse, pharmacist, records officer, and more—all day, every day.


Technical & Policy Briefs: Human Resources for Health (HRH) Kenya Program

Our USAID-funded Human Resources for Health (HRH) Kenya Program has partnered with the government of Kenya to build an even more resilient health workforce, with stronger human resource systems...

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Strengthening Data for Decision-Making in Human Resources for Health Management Through Systems Interoperability

Kenya’s Ministry of Health, regulatory boards, and councils that register and license health workers operate independent systems for various management functions. Yet all these systems target a single...

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Averting Public Health Sector Industrial Unrest in Kenya: Establishing Stakeholder Work Councils to Foster Harmonious Labor Relations

Health worker-related industrial unrest has serious negative effects on health service delivery especially on rural poor. Kenya’s health worker strike lasted over 300 days, with the doctors’ strike...

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Building a Sustainable Financial Resource Base to Support Health Workforce Training Toward Universal Health Coverage

A major contributing factor to the chronic health worker shortage in Kenya is the high cost of medical education, which many aspiring Kenyan families cannot afford. Dropout rate of students at the...

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Improving Leadership, Management, and Governance of the Health Workforce in Kenya’s Devolved System

County leadership were ill prepared in human resources for health management capacity, leadership structures, and organizational arrangements when the Government of Kenya devolved health service...

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