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Informed Push Distribution of Contraceptives in Senegal Reduces Stockouts and Improves Quality of Family Planning Services

Authors: Daff BM, Seck C, Belkhayat H, and Sutton P

Description: Dedicated logisticians restocked contraceptives monthly at facilities to maintain defined minimum stock levels, freeing up clinic...

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Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers

The Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit is designed to help countries determine what would motivate health workers to accept and remain in rural posts.

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Rapid Assessment of Health Services Capacity in the West Bank

This report presents an initial analysis of information collected to support the reform of the referral processes in West Bank/Gaza. 

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Health Workforce Productivity: An Approach for Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement

Author: Deussom R and Jaskiewicz W

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: Global Health eLearning Center

Date: 2014

Description: This course explores some basic concepts of health workforce productivity...

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Assessing the relevance, efficiency, and sustainability of HIV/AIDS in-service training in Nigeria

This article presents the results of an assessment of HIV/AIDS in-service training provided to Nigerian health workers through funding from the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)...

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Ebola IVR mLearning Course for Health Workers

IntraHealth International has developed an Ebola interactive voice response (IVR) course. 

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The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: Report of the Graduate Tracking Software Review and Implementation Workshop

Author: Deussom R, Drane M, Bailey R, and Mehtsun S

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2014

Description: In collaboration with the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Physician Tracking...

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Gender and Health Systems Strengthening: eLearning Course

The course will assist USAID field-based health officers, foreign service nationals, and U.S. government partners to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in health systems strengthening...

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Time to Address Gender Discrimination and Inequality in the Health Workforce

Essential reading for anyone interested in the post-2015 HRH agenda, this commentary synthesizes current opinion and state-of-the-art evidence pertaining to gender and HRH. Global HRH discussion and...
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