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Private-Sector Participation in Preservice Health Education

Author: Ross H, Seifman R, Bailey R, and Gilroy K

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2013

Description: Private health professional schools are expanding rapidly. With health training needs increasing and...

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Optimizing Performance and Quality

Author: IntraHealth Technical Leadership Department

Date: 2013

Description: This IntraHealth technical brief describes Optimizing Performance and Quality, an update of the performance improvement...

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Exploring Contraceptive Use Differentials in Sub-Saharan Africa through a Health Workforce Lens

Author: Pacqué-Margolis S, Cox C, Puckett A, and Schaefer L (USAID)

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #11

Date: 2013

Description: This technical brief presents findings from a study...

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The Vistaar Project Close-Out Report

An end-of-project overview of the Vistaar Project.

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Vistaar Publications (Final Project Publications)

A series of publications produced by the Vistaar Project.

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Applying the HRH Action Framework to Develop Sustainable Excellence in the Health Supply Chain Workforce

Seifman R and Bailey R, IntraHealth International; and Hasselberg E, Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)

The objective of this technical brief is to create a bridge between the SCM and HRH...

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Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for Institutional Deliveries in Uttar Pradesh

The Manthan Project provided technical assistance (TA) to the Government of Uttar Pradesh to identify challenges affecting the public-private partnership schemes aimed at increasing poor women's...

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Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Lao People's Democratic Republic

This article published in Human Resources for Health shares the findings from a discrete choice experimence conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses in Lao PDR.

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Innovative Financing Options for the Preservice Education of Health Professionals

Author: Tulenko K and Preker A

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #8

Date: 2013

Description: For low resource countries to train and produce a health workforce sufficient to meet the...

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Human Resource Management

Publisher: HRH Resource Center

Date: 2013

Description: This course covers human resource management in the Kenyan health care context.

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