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Using Evidence for Human Resources for Health Decision-Making: An Example from Uganda on Health Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Author: Deussom R and Jaskiewicz W

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Series: Technical Brief #15

Date: 2014

Description: A strong and well-distributed health workforce is...

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Establishing and Using Data Standards in Health Workforce Information Systems

Tech Brief 13


Author: Settle D, Lwetabe MW, Puckett A, and Leitner C

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #13

Date: 2014

Description: This technical brief discusses organizational, national, and...

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IntraHealth International 2013 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2013.

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Optimizing Performance and Quality

Optimizing Performance and Quality (OPQ) is a stakeholder-driven, cyclical process for analyzing human and organizational performance and setting up interventions to improve performance and quality or...

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Voices from the Mali Fistula Care Project

This booklet highlights key results from the Mali Fistula Care Project (2008-2013), during which IntraHealth worked with EngenderHealth to reduce the number of women waiting for life-altering fistula...

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IntraHealth International 2012 Annual Report

In 2012, IntraHealth trained 7,378 health workers to care for mothers, newborns, and children, and helped provide 54,953 antenatal care consultations to mothers around the world.

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Improving Health Through the Social Quality Approach in 800 Communes in Madagascar

To help empower the Malagasy people to address their own health needs, the USAID/Santenet2 program introduced the social quality approach in 800 communes in Madagascar. The social quality approach is...

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Scaling Up Health Worker Production: The Bottlenecks and Best Buys Approach

Author: Tulenko K, Bailey R, and Seifman R

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #9

Date: 2013

Description: This technical brief presents an overview of an approach to help identify...

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Report on the Society for Family Health Gender Assessment

The Society for Family Health conducted an exercise to assess gender mainstreaming in their internal organizational processes and programming so that its programming responds to President’s Emergency...

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"That's Improvement!": Uganda Focuses on Health Workers

Meet three Ugandan health workers who love their jobs. Agnes, Habiba, and Alex find joy in serving their clients, but they face many challenges—and there are simply not enough health workers to meet...

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