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IntraHealth International World Health Assembly 2020 Statement on COVID-19

IntraHealth's statement on COVID-19 and recommendations for WHO member states.

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Digital Learning Overview

Learn more about IntraHealth International's digital learning approaches and experience.

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IntraHealth International 2019 Annual Report

The future of global health starts here. In 2019, IntraHealth International reached 364,184 health workers. They provide health care to millions of people around the world. Browse our annual report to...

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The Future of Health Work in Africa: What Will It Look Like in 2040?

We're starting a sectorwide conversation about how workforce development may need to evolve over the next 20 years, and mapping out the strategies, structures, and capabilities that members of this field may need to offer.

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iHRIS software

IntraHealth International's free, open source software that helps countries around the world track and manage their health workforce data.

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Health4All: Strengthening Health Workers’ Capacity to Serve Key Populations with Stigma-Free HIV Services

This technical brief covers our Health4All approach to training health workers to provide stigma-free HIV services to key populations.

This brief is part of a larger publication about IntraHealth’s...

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mHero: Communicating with Health Workers on the Front Lines of Pandemics

This technical brief covers our mHero platform, which connects health workers to health officials using basic mobile cell phones. This platform was first deployed during the Ebola outbreak in West...

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