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Professionalizing Under-Recognized Cadres to Strengthen Health Systems

 CapacityPlus raised awareness of the need to professionalize under-recognized cadres of health workers that play essential roles in well-functioning health systems.

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Promoting Gender Equality in the Health Workforce: An Advocacy Tool

Health workforce leaders may not be aware of the ways in which gender discrimination impedes efforts to develop, efficiently deploy, and fairly compensate their workforce. This can result in...

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Ebola SMS Course for Health Workers

This Ebola SMS course is designed to help get information quickly to health workers in Ebola-affected and at-risk countries. 

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Using Evidence for Human Resources for Health Decision-Making: An Example from Uganda on Health Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Author: Deussom R and Jaskiewicz W

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Series: Technical Brief #15

Date: 2014

Description: A strong and well-distributed health workforce is...

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Establishing and Using Data Standards in Health Workforce Information Systems

Tech Brief 13


Author: Settle D, Lwetabe MW, Puckett A, and Leitner C

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #13

Date: 2014

Description: This technical brief discusses organizational, national, and...

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IntraHealth International 2013 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2013.

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Optimizing Performance and Quality

Optimizing Performance and Quality (OPQ) is a stakeholder-driven, cyclical process for analyzing human and organizational performance and setting up interventions to improve performance and quality or...

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Health Professional School Leadership and Health Sector Reform, Performance, and Practice

This technical brief highlights some examples of how the education and research leadership of health professional schools has engaged, influenced, or obtained resources from national policy-makers...

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Community-Based Education Programs in Africa: Faculty Experience Within the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Network

Author: Bailey R, et al.

Publisher: Academic Medicine

Date: 2014

Description: This article examines the various models, challenges, and evaluative efforts of community-based education programs at...

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Report of the Prevalence and Contributing Factors of Facility-Based Maternal and Neonatal Deaths in Five Regions of Namibia (Erongo, Hardap, Karas, Khomas, and Omaheke) during 2010-2012

A survey of facility-based maternal and neonatal mortality in the five southern regions of Namibia was undertaken to complete a national picture for maternal and neonatal health.

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