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Population Growth and the Global Health Workforce Crisis

Author: Pacqué-Margolis S, Muntifering C, Ng C, and Noronha S

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Series: Technical brief #1

Date: 2011

Description: This technical brief...

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Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups


Author: Gormley WJ and McCaffery J

Project: CapacityPlus

Date: 2011

Description: These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that human resources for health...

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Workplace Violence and Gender Discrimination in Rwanda’s Health Workforce: Increasing Safety and Gender Equality

This Human Resources for Health article reexamines a set of study findings that directly relate to the influence of gender on workplace violence, synthesizes these findings with other research from Rwanda, and examines the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda’s policy environment.

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Report of the Performance Needs Assessment of the Kenya Health Training System

Project: Capacity Kenya

Date: 2011

Description: This report highlights important strengths and weaknesses in the way services outlined in the Kenya Essential Package for Health are delivered by...

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iHRIS Administrator: Level 1

Author: Leitner C, Bales C, Massie B, Rhodes R, and McCune A

Publisher: HRH Resource Center

Date: 2011

Description: This course provides instructions on the basic skill set needed to administer and...

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IntraHealth International 2009 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2009.

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How to Educate Clients about the Benefits of Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy

This DVD is intended for training primary level providers and community health workers to identify opportunities to counsel clients on healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy and the benefits of family planning use. 

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ESD Model: Mobilizing Muslim Imams and Religious Leaders as "Champions" of Reproductive Health and Family Planning

Author: Freij LS

Project: Extending Service Delivery Project

Series: Legacy Series

Date: 2010

Description: This paper depicts ESD's model for engaging religious leaders as "champions" of...

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Saving Lives, Ensuring a Legacy: A Health Workforce Strategy for the Global Health Initiative

Author: Middleberg MI

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Date: 2010

Description: This policy paper builds on the research literature and IntraHealth’s experience in leading CapacityPlus and other...

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Twubakane Final Report

Project: Twubakane Decentralization and Health Project

Date: 2010

Description: Reviews the work of the Twubakane Decentralization and Health Project in Rwanda. Topics covered include: Family...

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