
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Can Uttar Pradesh Improve Its Health Care Indicators with mSakhi?

In a state with one of the poorest health indicators, there’s an app that might help if the government invests more in it.

Meet the Health Workers Who Are Leading Us to an AIDS-Free Generation

These are the people and ideas we’ve got our eyes on this World AIDS Day.

Young People in West Africa Are Leading Their Own Movement for Family Planning

They're role models, advocates, and watchdogs. And they're making their expectations clear.

mSakhi Reaches Moms and Babies in India's Remotest Villages

We're teaming up with CaringCrowd to bring lifesaving care to hard-to-reach families through a mobile app for frontline health workers.

Vasectomy as an Integral Option for Family Planning in Kenya

Kenya is taking steps to address its health workforce shortage and the gender imbalance in contraceptive availability and use.

The Future of Health Financing

We’re working toward universal health coverage and unprecedented options for health care worldwide. But how will we afford it?

WASH Works, So What Are We Waiting For?

October 15 is Global Handwashing Day. That's great. But what if the only water you have to wash with is dark brown?

It’s Not Just for Women, You Know: 5 Ways for Men to Get More Involved in Contraception

When it comes to who’s using contraception, we aren’t even close to 50-50.

Knowledge Management Fosters Country Ownership in Digital Health

Keeping track of key discussions, decisions, and insights can help countries take control of these initiatives.