
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Welcome to World Health Worker Week 2019

It’s our favorite week of the year. Here are 8 ways to get involved.

Senegal’s New eLearning Platform Helps Prevent Service Disruptions as Health Workers Train

Unlike other online platforms, it covers several areas of care and is useful for all types of health workers.

Four Women behind Tanzania’s Fight to End AIDS

They're working to prevent HIV in two of the country’s hardest-to-reach areas.

Fatimata Sy on Partnering to Expand Access to Contraceptives

When it launched in 2011, the Ouagadougou Partnership set an audacious goal for 2020: Increase the number of women using modern contraceptives by at least 2.2 million in nine francophone West African...

10 Global Health Issues to Watch in 2019

From food security to the future of PEPFAR, here are some of the trends we’ll be watching closely in the year ahead.